Spotted Owl

Spotted Owl by Elizabeth W, Madeline A, Kathy G, and Stephanie T, Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.
Spotted Owl by Elizabeth W, Madeline A, Kathy G, and Stephanie T.  Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Fabric paint, applique, embroidery, and hand lettering.

The Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) lives in old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest. Long cited in the debate over cutting old growth forests, the Spotted Owl is now at risk due to Barred Owls that have migrated west into their habitat.

For more on the Spotted Owl go to:

For recent developments on Barred and Spotted Owls go to:

Poison Dart Frogs

Poison Dart Frogs by Ari M, Armand P, John R, and Natalie C, Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.
Poison Dart Frogs by Ari M, Armand P, John R, and Natalie C. Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.

Poison Dart Frogs are brightly colored members of the family Dendrobatidae from Central and South America. Secretions from their skin are toxic, and have sometimes been used to coat the tips of blowdarts. Many of these species are listed as threatened or endangered due to habitat loss from logging and farming.

To learn more go to:

Utah Prairie Dog

Utah Prairie Dog by Cory S, Danny E, Dejie Z, and Joan Y,  Ms Rabina's 6th grade class 2013. Faux fur, fabric, and ribbon applique, with hand lettering.
Utah Prairie Dog by Cory S, Danny E, Dejie Z, and Joan Y.   Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Faux fur, fabric, and ribbon applique, with hand lettering.

The Utah Prairie Dog  (Cynomys parvidens) is the smallest of the Prairie Dog species. Between 1925 and 1975 the population was reduced in size by nearly 87% by poisoning, habitat loss, and introduced plague. They were classified as endangered as part of the Endangered Species Act in 1973, and then reclassified as threatened in 1984.

To learn more go to: