Peregrin Falcon

Peregrin Falcon by Marc C, Daniella M, James M, Marshall S, Ms Harada's 6th grade class 2014, Thomas Starr King Middle School. Painted falcon appliquéd onto fabric with rubber stamps.
Peregrin Falcon by Marc C, Daniella M, James M, and Marshall S.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2014. Painted falcon appliquéd onto fabric with rubber stamps.

The Peregrin Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is a great example of an endangered species success story. The Peregrin Falcon came close to becoming extinct due to the use of DDT and other  pesticides from the 1950s through the 1970s. It was one of the first species named to the Endangered Species Act. The banning of DDT in the 1970s and captive breading programs helped the Peregrin Falcon population rebound, and it was removed from the Endangered Species act in 1999.

To learn more about the Peregrin Falcon go to:

For video of a Peregrin Falcon at top speed go to: